Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Down and Stay & Touch Pad

This is me at 3 months old putting my feet up on the touch pad

Yesterday was my Birthday.  January 21st and I am now 7 months old.

We just went to the Training Field at moms work cause sometimes it is easier when I know a place.  I am less tempted to visit other smells.

Mom is teaching me the dowb word now.  I know the position with her hands going to the ground and for sure will follow them because I know there is those good tasting treats.  Then she started with a word and still the hands to the ground and then treats.  I caught onto the word the other day with me in the front of her and her hands full of food.  She would say down and there I would go.  She would say good meaning I am doing a good job but the exercise is not over.  She would still give me the food while saying good and then the big "Yes", I did good and the down is over.

I am only doing it with her standing right in front of me so not 100% sure of the word.  Still working off some type of body language.  I am sure in time the rest will come.  But for now mom is so pleased that I am getting the idea of the word without the big jesture.  How cool is that.

As you see in the picture above my little front feet are touching off the ground.  Mom glued a frisbee to the top of a dog food bowl because it is supposed to be off the gound in the beginning or until I get the idea.

We are past that part so now she just used the frisbee part or 2 frisbees about 10 feet apart to send me from one to the other.  I am getting the hang of it but not very fast yet.  She sends me and says yes so I know the exercise is over and then tells me touch and sends me to the other one.  That part I understand.  You know understanding what a human wants is a beautiful thing cause when I do good I get either a great treat or get to play tug with mom.  Love it.....

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