Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Something New with Heeling...

Today mom took me out to the training field and we worked on a few sits, downs and stands.  Gotta love the treats so happy to do what the words are telling me.  Then she told me to "Sit", which I did and then came over to my right side (her left) and with her left hand she lifted my head to look up at her but more like her arm pit and then she dropped this ball from her arm pit.  WOW, I was not expecting that. 

I've seen other dogs that do this and the first time the owner takes the head this way the dogs resist but not me.  I think it was all that puppy stuff we did with the muscle memory.  That was what she did near a fence with food.  She would take the food over my head and I would put up my nose to it and there was some food.  We did this many days. 

We also did the retrieve with her using her hands around my muzzle in the beginning.  When ever she did this and I was calm about it she said the famous "Yes" and I would get treats. 

So the hand holding my head up was very comfortable for me and getting the ball this was was fun.

After I got the ball she would show me another ball so I would drop that one and go after the other one.  By the time I got back to her the other ball was not in sight.  She would take the ball I had and then tell me to "Sit" and come to my side.  Again she would hold my head up and wallaaaaa,,,  there came the other ball.

We did this a few times and I think I am understanding this.  She did not walk or move.  She just wanted me to keep my head up and it worked.

Hopefully she will be taking some pictures of me because I am sure getting big.

Can't wait to share them with you all.

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